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Kayak Angler Profile- Faron Davidson

The trek across the United States continues. This weeks stop is Oklahoma and Kayak Bass Angler Faron Davidson. Not only can you find Faron on the water fishing, but he is also a big part of the industry helping new and experienced kayakers get out on the water selling gear and kayaks at River Town Outfitters in Park Hills, Oklahoma.

Kayak Bass Angler and River Town Outiftters manager Faron Davidson

Name: Faron Davidson Where do you live? Oklahoma

Have we fished together yet? If so, do you remember where?

No, but we did fish the same tournament last year on Toledo Bend.

What kayak do you use for tournaments?

I own a kayak shop, River Town Outfitters, so my boat does change occasionally, but right now it’s an Old Town Predator PDL.

When and why did you start kayak bass fishing competitively?

I started Bass fishing competitively from a kayak in 2015. I guess a few of the reasons I started was to meet more like minded folks, learn new skills and because I enjoyed fishing Bass tournaments from boats when I was younger.

What are some of your accomplishments that you are most proud of in the sport?

I don’t have any big tournament wins to talk about but what I am most proud of is that I have been able to get several youth anglers involved in kayak fishing and most have stuck with it, as well as moved on to fishing at the collegiate level.

What are some of the companies that you are sponsored by or pro staff for?

What is your biggest fish to date and what did you catch it on?

If we are limiting this to kayak bass fishing, it’s not very big. My largest to date is a 21” Largemouth. It was the last cast of the tournament and I cast a size 90 Loon Whopper Plopper into open water off of a point and picked it up to win Big Bass of that tournament.

What are your biggest challenges either during tournaments or leading up to a tournament?

Biggest challenge for me is trying to mentally prepare myself and treat a tournament just like another day of fishing. When I first started fishing kayak tournaments, I tried to cover too much water and wasted a lot of time paddling; I have since figured out that I do better by focusing on a smaller area and fishing it more thoroughly.

Sleep in the car, arrive the morning of the tournament, or grab a hotel?

If it’s less than a couple hours away I will arrive the morning of, if not I will either get a hotel or camp.

One piece of equipment that you wouldn’t consider fishing a tournament without?

A NET! I fished for a while without one because I was trying to stay simple and that’s one more thing to carry. After losing some fish and having some really tough days, I realized that losing one fish could cost me a limit. So now, I net 90% of my fish just to be safe.

We all have preconceived notions of what we were getting into before that very first tournament. Have there been any surprises along the way for you? If so, what were they?

I have had a couple of surprises along the way, one is how much the sport has grown and continues to grow, and it’s awesome. The other surprise would be how good some anglers really are, kayak fishing can be humbling.

Who is one person you would love to kayak bass fish with?

I would love to opportunity to be able to kayak Bass fish with my late Great Uncle, he taught me a lot about fishing (and hunting) whether it was fly fishing for bream out of a canoe, running trotlines out of a jon boat or chasing white bass as they worked their way up the river to spawn, we had a blast.

What would be one piece of advice that you would give to someone considering entering the sport?

Have Fun!

How do we follow you on social media?

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