Kayak Angler Profile- Jason Broach
If anyone in this sport can earn the nickname "The Professor", it is going to be Jason Broach. Aside from literally having a formal education in all things finned, Jason will school the best of us out on the water. I was able spend some time with Jason at Toledo Bend and also to see him in action briefly. I say briefly, because once Jason hits the water, it is all about getting to the fish, catching them, and submitting them. Keep an eye on Jason....if you can.

Name: Jason Broach Fort Pierce, FL
Have we fished together yet? If so, do you remember where?
Not yet, although we were close by at Toledo Bend.
What kayak do you use for tournaments?
Hobie Outback- first kayak I owned and only model I’ve ever used.
When and why did you start kayak bass fishing competitively?
In 2014, I fished the KBF Open on Santee Cooper. I started fishing inshore kayak tournaments in 2010, and kayak fishing for bass from a kayak became more appealing with its growing reputation and payouts. Tournament fishing is something I enjoy and I’ve become more and more motivated to stay on my best game to be a top competitor in the sport.
What are some of your accomplishments that you are most proud of in the sport?
Making it to the KBF’s top Ten events in 2017 and 2018, and winning the KBF Trail event on Santee Cooper and 100 Challenge Championship on Toledo Bend in 2017.
What are some of the companies that you are sponsored by or pro staff for?
Pure Fishing -Abu Garcia, Berkley, Spiderwire
What is your biggest fish to date and what did you catch it on?
Biggest bass- My biggest bass so far was a 25.1”, 11.5 lbs hydrilla gorilla. She was hanging with her boyfriend on a bed. She wasn’t happy with my 4.5” swim cruising around the bed. I dropped the swimbait about a foot in front of her face, and within a millisecond, the swimbait disappeared. I fought her in some open water for about ten seconds, then she swam under a huge pile of hydrilla. I had 15 lb braid with a 15 lb leader. I thought she was going to win the battle, but I pulled up to her and started moving hydrilla around to get to her face. When I finally cleared enough hydrilla away to see the swimbait, she was still on. I grabbed her and screamed like I never have.
Biggest Fish- My biggest fish was probably a 9-10 foot bull shark caught in Sebastian Inlet. It ate a pinfish the size of a half-dollar piece. It took about 20 minutes but I finally got it next to the kayak to cut the leader and watch it swim off.
What are your biggest challenges either during tournaments or leading up to a tournament?
My biggest challenge is usually trying to decide whether or not to fish some tournaments at the last minute. I usually forgot certain pieces of fishing equipment or accessories when I do decide to fish a tournament last minute.
Sleep in the car, arrive the morning of the tournament, or grab a hotel?
The majority of the time, you’ll find me sleeping in the front seat of my truck.
One piece of equipment that you wouldn’t consider fishing a tournament without?
Ribbontail worm.
We all have preconceived notions of what we were getting into before that very first tournament. Have there been any surprises along the way for you? If so, what were they?
No surprises to me.
Who is one person you would love to kayak bass fish with?
What body of water is your favorite to fish a tournament on? Why?
Santee Cooper (Lake Marion and Moultrie). They’re my “hometown lakes”. They’re loaded with good bass and when there is a tournament there, it usually means I also get to fish against my brothers and remind them who is the better fisherman.
Are you an old school “rely on my instincts” angler, or do you employ technology more in tracking down where you are going to fish?
I spend a lot of time on Google Earth and Navionics trying to find shallow water (< 10 feet) with hard bottom and plenty of structure or vegetation. When I find those factors, it’s a matter of testing the water by pre-fishing and finding the higher percentage areas with 1.) hungry bass, 2.) a good bait supply, or 3.) a “fishy” smell with not many gar or bowfin around. Gar and bowfin that are constantly piping for air at the surface are a potential indicator there be low levels of oxygen in the water; bass aren’t huge fans of low oxygen in shallow water.
What would be one piece of advice that you would give to someone considering entering the sport?
Just do it; you never know just how much fun you might have.
How do we follow you on social media?
YOU-TUBE JBroKayakFishing
INSTAGRAM jbro_kayak_fishing
TUMBLR jbrokayakfishing